Sunday, January 30, 2011

ODAC Zouk Party!

The last time I clubbed with my ODACians was when we were 19th! Finally, at the age of 24 approaching 25, we hit the club again!

Being the typical poor students, we bought alcohol and sat by the road to "warm up" before the real "clubbing".

Poh Wai and his "drug dealer" pose.

If it's not for our age, we looked like the typical Bengs, Lians and deliquents sitting by the road. Hmm.. So is growing old a good thing or not?

Now I know why 3 of my toes still feel numb after 2 days.

Girls from OCBC. OCBC stands for ODAC Chio Bu Club! Haha! The guys have a club too. UOB - Ugly ODAC Boys

Zouk was super crowded on Friday! It was packed to the brim with NS boys, Ah Bengs, Ah Lians and the barely-twenties. In other words, it was filled with lecherous young men and angsty, unreasonable and self-centered youths. Not a very nice place to be in.

Luckily, I got my friends with me! And they were fun to club with! There were some parts I got irritated though. Especially when the guys got too protective and made it difficult to dance. I kept telling JX that he should relax and that he was not there to protect us but to have fun too! I guess we girls could take care of ourselves pretty well. Heh! I appreciate their gestures though.

I got a shock when I checked the time in the middle of a dance. It was 4am! That was the first time time flew so quickly by for me in a club! And minutes later, the lights came on! It was then when my feet sent signals that they were dying. It was really really painful. I could barely walked. I survived based on sheer willpower.

The last group photo for the night!

I really enjoyed myself that night! And I didn't realise how much I missed clubbing! I didn't club the whole of last semester!

I want to go again! =P


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Occupational Hazard

On Friday, I got into a quarrel with a stranger on the streets for the first time. I was paying for my groceries at a shop when this woman pushed me. I ignored her at first. She then proceeded to dump her groceries on the cashier table, nearly crushing my packets of fruit which were still on the table. I was a little irritated by her already.

Then as I left the shop, I stood at the doorway for a moment as there were many people stuck at the doorway. Suddenly, somebody pushed me away and said, "走开! (Go away!)" It was that woman! The next thing I know, I was telling that woman, "没礼貌! (You're rude!)" (Feels like I was scolding a Primary school kid)

Upon hearing that, she immediately turned around and started yelling at me! She complained that she was behind me for a long time. Hello! I do not have eyes behind my back! The more decent thing to do would be to say, "Excuse me" and I would immediately make space for her to leave. And that was what I told her. Did that shut her up? No. She then went into a long history of how Singaporeans behave and some other stuffs. I can't really remember what she said because she was screaming all the time incoherently.

My mum quickly came and pulled me away. I was also quite scared because she was taller and fatter than me. I do not wish to be beaten into a pulp. As we were walking away, she was still shrieking her head off! Crazy bit*h!

My dad told me off after that. He said that one day I will get myself into deep trouble. But I feel that we should stand up to injustice. By remaining silent, we are condoning those selfish and rude acts. If all of us can open our eyes and ears wide, I believe that the social conscience of the people will go up, making this a better society. Everybody has a part in educating the public. Well, that's my two cents worth of view.

Do you agree that I am in the right when I chided the woman?

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Back to School

Tomorrow marks the first day of my last semester in school. I am still recovering from the hellish previous semester; I will have to drag myself to school tomorrow. Not to mention that I will be stuck in school for 5 hours for a stupid lecture from 630-730pm. And I thought that I will have a short day tomorrow. PLUS, I just realise that none of my clique will be in the same class with me in Social Studies classes. It really really dampened my mood. I like working with them on projects because they are so dependable. *Huge sigh* Guess I will have to learn to trust someone else this semester.

On another topic, I am so glad that I reunited with my NPCC friends. Friday's mahjong was the best session ever. Sacrificing my sleep was totally worth it. I have not laughed so much since I don't know when. Thank god for them to help me prepare to face another disgusting semester.


Sunday, January 02, 2011

Looking Back

I first heard the following question in an advertisement. It has stuck on me since and I found myself constantly asking myself the same question.

"When is the last time you have done something for the first time?"

I am happy that I have many "first times" in 2010. =)

My "Firsts" in 2010:

Jan - Travelled with my Odacians to Genting

Mar - Bought a semi-pro camera

May - Toured Taiwan
Went travelling with just a friend
Planned my trip without professional help
Snorkelled and White Water Rafting
Attended an autograph session
Saw Jay Chou up close
And all the other "firsts" comes with an overseas trip

July - Met up with Anita and Deanies after many years
Stopped a cab and openly confronted a cab snatcher

Aug - Received a Grade 3 in Piano
A short and terrifying encounter with an Earwig
Saw the Olympic fire up close
Stayed in Marina Bay Sands Hotel
Met up with my NPCC friends after 5 years

Oct - Completed a 20-pages individual report

Nov - Went without sleep for 4 separate nights
Completed around 21 assignments in 15 weeks

Dec - Painted my house for the first time in ten over years

I hope that there are plenty more "first times" for me in 2011!
