Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Bound to Myself
You people gazing at me
You see a doll on a music box that's wound by a key
How can you I'm
Under a spell I'm
Waiting for love's first kiss
You cannot see
How much I long to be free
Turning around on a music box that wound's by key
Turning around and around......
My 22nd Birthday with my Enemies
Anyway, I celebrated my birthday with my Enemies on Saturday. We had steamboat, my favourite, at my house. I told my mum not to prepare a lot and yet she went to cook one full pot of soup. However, we managed to finish the whole pot! I was so surprised! Haha! They are finally learning to eat. =P

Jaws started her little manicure shop in my house during the party. She is getting very good at it! I think we should organise a slumber party very soon.. =P

Look at the smiles from her satisfied non-paying customers!
I don't know why but Ah Bun seemed very choked with emotions during the party. Ah Bun, I know you love me but don't have to display your affections in front of the others. *Blush*
(Actually, she was choking on the chilli but I prefer to think otherwise.)
The birthday cake and me.
I am super pleased with my presents! They bought a pencil case, a make-up bag, espirit vouchers and a pair of earphones for me! It is amazing how they can read my mind.. I am so impressed....
I really love my girls... I think I don't need to say much here. But I am confident they know how I feel about them. =)
XP, all the best to you! You know what I am refering to.. I am glad that the thing took place like what you had hoped will happen. =)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Being Thick-Skinned
I decided to be a bit thick-skinned about my birthday this year. Haha!
To help you all out, here's a list of what you can for my birthday. I really have the intention of helping you when I decided to blog this. Haha!
1) Pencil Box
2) Make up Bag
3) Sports Tee
4) Ear phones
Hope this helps! (Please please please don't give me billabong, OP, 37 degrees, etc, stuffs.. I am way over that age.. =P)
Anyway, you all can pop over from 2pm onwards on this Saturday. The Mahjong table is waiting for players. =)
Huli's 22nd Birthday
But it is true that Huli went missing for around 5 months. All of us do not know where she went, what she did and what happened to her. Notice I used present tense? Coz we still do not know the reason...
However, she is back! We celebrated her 22nd birthday on Saturday at Guilin View restaurant at CCK stadium. The food was good. BUT the service was DAMN bad!! We asked for a extra packet of Keropok for the Lo Hei. We were prepared to pay $1-$2 although Huli got it for free the other time she went there with her parents. The waitress we spoke to told us 1 small packet of crackers cost $5!! When we asked another waitress, she said it will cost us $2. WTF?! They named us any price they fancied?? When we questioned further, they decided to give us a free packet. The cost? Lousy service from them.
Picture speaks a thousand words. What could not be captured by the camera were the sighs, the irritated tone, the impatient look, faked ignorance by the waiters and waitresses.
Now, on to talk about the happier stuffs! A picture of the birthday girl.
We had a super pleasant meal. There were sharkfin, peiking duck, ee fu noodles and many others.. Yummy! After that, we went to Huli's house as we had never been there before. Jia Yu, too bad you had to leave first.. =P
I really like Huli's parents. They were so hospitable! I will not mind going back again. Ok, Huli? =P
Lastly, Happy Birthday HULI!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Ethel Baby 2nd Birthday
Ok, I am digressing. Tee hee! As usual.... Back to the celebration!
We booked the karaoke room at the chinese restaurant near my home.
While waiting for the rest to arrive, I entertained myself by taking stupid pictures.
Ethel was super fascinated with the mike. She kept holding onto the mike and sang softly to herself.
She even knew where to switch on the mike!
From the next two pictures, you can tell that Ethel is some sort of a celebrity in my family.
Can you tell? Haha!
Aaron and Alvin were also present at the party. They are reaching 1 year old in March!
My Dad says Aaron always looks like 心事重重 (a lot things in his mind). Haha!
I like Alvin in this picture! He looked mischievous..
I'm going to end this entry with a picture of the birthday girl. I really hope that I have the chance to watch her grow up. And when she is around my current age, I will show her this entry of mine and remind her that she is still much loved by us.
Not again...
A sudden feeling..
Something I cannot place..
Friday, February 15, 2008
Fortune Telling
Anyway, I decided to blog this entry because I want to look back in the future to check whether what he predicted is true. =P
Things he said which are, oh, so true!
He said that I am a super egoistic person! He used "peacock" to describe me. I have a lot of self-pride and thus, cannot stand having my weakness identified by people. (Yes, I am a very proud person. However, this doesn't mean I like to boast.)
I am very strong in my attitude and thus, have my own set of thinking which not many people may find it easy to change.
I am independent. I do not need guys to do things with me. He used "loner" to describe me as I can survive on my own without guys.
It is very difficult for me to get into relationships. This is because I need to find someone stronger than me. I cannot stand weak guys. (This is so true.... Usually, the guys who went after me are weak, in my opinion. To be honest to myself, I find them weak once I found out that they are interested in me. Weird, isn't it?)
He said that I have a lot of luck. I have a lot of 贵人, which means that there will be people around who will help and guide me in whatever I do. (I find this quite true. I have Maggie to teach me when I was working in Straits Advisor. I have Mona, Janis and Suzanne to teach me when I was in my contract school.)
Things which he predicted
As I am so strong in my character, I may get married at a later age. He predicted I will get married at 29 years old and above.
He said I will have a lot of 桃花 which means relationships. This is because guys will find it a challenge as "I am hard to get". He warned me that I may fall deeply once I get into a relationship and this may not be good.
He said that I do not have to worry about money. Money will come. (I like this. =P) When I pressed on, he said that I may not be the one who makes the money.
I will most likely marry a foreigner or a chinese foreigner. (I hope it is not Ah Tiongs or the foreigners that hang around Jurong Point.) I don't mind baby with blue eyes or blonde hair. =P
He also told me to wear light blue clothes. Time to change my wardrobe.
So let's see if these things will happen to me. *waits patiently*
P.S. I just read XP's blog and she also went to consult a fortune teller! So coincidental! We are good pals.
P.P.S I think my ex-roomie and I are better friends outside our room. =)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hermit No More
Now, I am free to go out dinner! I am free to sleep anytime I want! I am free to watch TV! I am free to go back home any time! I don't have to report to anyone about my whereabouts! I don't have to explain why I went home late! I won't have someone to pile me with work when I reached home! FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Cheers*
Looking at my friends' blogs, everyone seemed to be blogging about CNY and how happy they were. Maybe it is time for me to stop sulking. (I predict this will happen very soon. =))
CNY post another time!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Very Angry
I hate it and yet I like it this way. To be angry gives me guts and power. I got the guts to say whatever I like to the person which I will not do so when I am not angry. I got the power when the person has to listen to what I say whether he/she likes it or not.
I am in control and not in control of myself. It is really oxymoronic.
Somebody told me that I AM bad-tempered since JC days. The reason he gave me either made me want to burst out in rage or in laughter. He said that I once commented I do not like flirting. From that, he deduced I am bad-tempered.
Hey man, Sorry to say this but I like flirting on one condition only - with hunks.
See, the world is filled with weird people. And they are attracted to me when I am in my angry state. Making me angrier. Which makes me attract more people to make me angry. Making me angrier. Which makes me attract more peopl.... IT IS A VICIOUS CYCLE!!!
P.S. I love you friends.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Chinatown Trip
Anyway, a couple of interesting things happened to us during the trip at Chinatown.
First, a prostitute in action!
She approached my dad and said, "Uncle, 20 dollars?" And she proceeded to roll up her blouse to revel a, gasp!, flabby stomach! Haha! (I feel like it is like choosing meat at a market.) My dad turned and smiled at my mum. I think my parents were pretty much amused. Of course, my brother and I could not stop pointing and staring at girl while commenting that she is so "cheap". Maybe she lifted up her shirt to explain why she charged so little? Hmm.. A honest and practical prostitute? Haha!
A Cheat in action!
Anyway, my brother wanted to buy the Taiwan jelly. So we approached this stall with a lot of varieties and is going at $1 per 100g of purchase. We chose some and let the stall keepers weighed them. One of the guys then commented, "You put in 5 more jelly and it will be 3kg." I was surprised! Did we take so many?? Anyway, it was quite chaotic and so my mum just paid him $30. Then his partner said, " Since my boss is not here, I'll give you extra!" We were thinking, "Wah.. So good!"
The two of them then proceeded to throw in A LOT of jelly into the plastic bag. They threw in so many that we began to be suspicious. When we returned home, we weighed the plastic bag and found that it was exactly 3 kg after all the "free" jelly! So the amount we took was definitely way less than 3kg!! The CHEATS!
So friends, if you are going to buy the jelly, please check the scale after they weighed the jelly. Do not be naive like us!
Anyway, here are some photos of Ethel, my niece during the trip. She looks adorable!
Looking dazed because of the crowd and noises.
Is it just me or do you find her adorable too?
Busy Yet Fulfilling
Social Studies lesson has never been better! I enjoyed all the field trips to places like Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, URA and Chinatown. I've just completed a photojournal with Faith on Bukit Timah Reserve - http://www.discoveringrainforest.blogspot.com/. It is a very informative blog with lots of pictures. (Blowing my own horn. =P) Check it out if you are interested in the tropical rainforest or if you have nothing else to do.
I lost pictures from the URA trip! Dunno what happened to my SD card. I lost a very important photo with a lot of valuable memories! It was a photo taken of me and some of my classmates during Sec 2 at a URA Model-Making Workshop! (No, it's not the "catwalk" kind of model.) It is still pinned up on the wall. Brought back a lot of memories... And when I saw the uncle in the office, more memories flooded me as this is the same man who taught me how to build models! I even taught him how to use "backgrounds prints" using Microsoft '97. He is still working there after 8 years... *Impressed and touched*
On Saturday, I had an ODAC reunion dinner at Zhao Rong's place. It was funnnnnn~~ I brought my Pictionary game along as we can all join in the game. Good idea, right? We did charades instead of drawing and the guys were damn funny. Haha! Some were so agitated while others did it calmly. When it was Jun Hong's turn to charade, Max said it would be tough for him to act something that is not square. Haha! He is a meanie. It is good to see them again as they never fail to bring me laughter. Love them.
Just met up with the girls for dinner. At first, only Jaws and me met up to go CNY shopping. (That girl is so sweet. She volunteered to accompany me without me asking her. *Hugs*) Then, XP and Birdie msged Jaws subsequently and said that they would like to join us for dinner. Haha! I think they have telepathy skills.
Anyway, over dinner, I poured out my woes and troubles to them. Really out poured everything. Now, I am feeling a tad guilty about bitching too much about this person. I think that from now on, I will not say anything about this person anymore. It is over and that's that. No more. It is unfair as what I said is only from my point of view. So no more.