Sunday, March 30, 2008
I doubt I will re-read about them in the near future. My hearts still grief over their departures. I will need time to fully mourn the losts and to accept that they are gone.
And then I will read about them again. This time round, I will appreciate their jokes better, applaud their heroic acts harder, imagine their faces clearer, interpret their actions better and then wept afresh when they are gone again. Maybe this time round I will weep harder or maybe I will accept their passing calmly as I know they have not died in vain.
I have lost some friends though I am a stranger to them. I have lost some friends who have accompanied me every night before I sleep for the past few weeks. I have lost some friends who will never return but their acts will always be remembered.
Time for grief.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Mummy's Birthday!
She was super happy!! She kept smelling the lilies and said that they smelt very nice. It was good to see her so happy. =) We also bought her Crabtree and Evelyn body lotion and foot scrub since she kept saying her skin is very dry.
My family
(My brother dunno how to take photo. My picture with my mum damn blurred lor. Idiot. )
I didn't know that the anther of Lily is heart-shaped! So cute. No wonder girls like lilies.
But I like this.
Anyway, next time I don't want to buy flowers again. I don't like holding onto a bunch of flowers. Flowers and me don't match. I feel like a guy holding to a bunch of flowers. Bleagh.
But of course... I will do anything for my Mum. =)
My Quest has Ended
Anyway, thank you Jia Yu, Birdie and Xiao Pang! Thank you for offering help during my quest. I hereby knight you Sir Jia Yu, Sir Birdie and Sir Xiao Pang! Haha! (Sounds like a bunch of transvestites) I will call you next time when I want to embark on a quest again!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
My Quest for Harry Potter
It has been a long and arduous quest, however. This is what happened to me and sometimes, you just have to believe this thing called "fate".
I have currently finished reading "Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix" so my next read should be "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince". However, suddenly there is no more copy of that book in my school library! Thus, I embarked on my quest.
1st stop - Jurong East Library
Lots of Harry Potter Books, especially "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", but no half-blood prince in sight.
2nd stop - Jurong West Library
The "Deathly Hallows" followed me to this library and the "Half-Blood Prince" is still missing.
3rd stop - IMM Popular
I decided to get my own book. And I was damn lucky! There are copies of the "Half-Blood Prince" on sale! On top of that, DISCOUNT! Haha! I quickly grabbed a copy and made my purchase. VICTORY!
I made my way home happily and feeling a tinge of excitement. I want to know what happened to Harry. I tore off the wrapper, settled myself down and began reading. But... Something is wrong... I looked at the cover. "NOOOOOOO!!!!" It is the "Deathly Hallows" in my own home!! I bought the wrong book!! And so.. My quest has not ended..
4th stop - Suntec Popular
Determined to get my hands on that book, I went to the biggest Popular store I know. Guess what? Loads of "Deathly Hallows" and the "Half-Blood Prince" is sold out.
5th stop - Bukit Timah Plaza Popular
It is getting boring. The same ending as above lar!
Am I under a curse? Is this how Lord Voldemort killed his victims?? Harry and your half-blood prince, COME BACK TO ME!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Anyway, I thought about blogging happy things after my long "break" from blogging. However, I want to blog about this incident that makes me pissed off. Though it is not really my business. It just irritated the kaypo and bossy side of me.
There is a girl in my school who needs a bone marrow transplant. The school posted the message on the school's portal and some of the professors have been emailing the different clubs to get them to find people who are willing to donate their bone marrow. I have received such a email from one of the professors and I was quite angry when I saw this sentence in the email.
"All it would take is for you to donate a blood sample on the days indicated below."
Really???? That's all it would take? That means a blood sample is enough to save the girl's life??
I think that it is so irresponsible for the prof to say that! This is of no joking matter. People will go with the misconception that a blood sample will do, although I don't believe someone will be that stupid. They should go with the mentality that they MAY HAVE TO DONATE THEIR BONE MARROW.
What if someone goes without thinking through and the test shows that he is eligible to donate to the girl. The girl and her family's hopes will be raised. And then, he decides not to donate because "I never thought that out of some many people, I am eligible. I was just there the other day to give a blood sample." That what will happen to the poor girl?? Raise her hopes and then smash it??
I like to think of consequences when I do certain things. Obviously, some people don't. This is not a drive to "collect the most number of blood samples". This is a drive "to search for eligible blood marrow donors". Some people got their objectives wrong.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Thank you~
Met up with Maggie, Gwen and Jasmine Ba Jie for Sakae Sushi at Heerens. They have not changed much in terms of looks and characters. Still forever talking about boobs. Haha! I have not received the photos from Ba Jie so no photos. Bleagh
Steamboat party in my house with my Enemies.
My first uncle birthday! It was held at his house which is below my house. Haha! So convenient! Anyway, most of my family members attended his birthday which is a huge affair. This is because there are sooo many of us.. (Dreading the day when I have to plan for my wedding dinner.)
My first uncle and his wife
Of course, I must include a picture of cutsie Ethel.
Baby boy Edgar, another cutsie nephew of mine. I saw him for the first time that night. Too many members in my family. Very difficult to keep track.
After rushing my Geography assignment, it was time for kbox with my bro!
Met up with Wan Lin and Wan Ting. We went Holland Village for dinner. I thought that I have explored the whole of Holland V already but apparantly, there is this restaurant which I have left out. It is the 211 Roof Terrace Restaurant. It is situated on the top of the Cold Storage Building and it is a nice nice place! We dined Alfresco style. I like. Are you tempted to visit there?
Celebrated my birthday with my Family at Grill-Out, a western restaurant located just a few blocks away from my home. The food and ambience is super but there are only a few non-beef dishes. A pity. No pictures though coz Dad doesn't like to take pictures.
After the dinner, my family went to the pub, Sunset Tavern, next to the restaurant for a chill out session. We have not been to a pub as a family for ages. Glad we did it during my birthday.
Went ktv with my roomie, Pei Wen, Xiao Xi and Pei Si at Chinatown 10 dollars KTV place. Very cheap! It was really 10bucks only!
After belting our hearts out, we went to the Chinatown Food Street for dinner. Cheap and good!
Before I end this entry, I want to show my new bag given by my NIE friends. I really like it alot! It is so "me"! Haha!
So now my dear friends, you know why I could not complete my assignments. I did not even have time to go shopping. I am getting embarrassed of my tattered slippers.
But I am not complaining. =D
I rather be a Caveman
If they want us to do all this IT stuffs, then make sure they have the necessary infrastructure for us to do so! Don't ya ya papaya, tell us to upload and download assignments on our own when the f***ing system keeps hanging! It is not the first time already..
Ya, we can upload earlier right? But it is my habit to upload on the night before. There is no marks penalised for uploading at the last minute right? How do I predict the system will hang?! I am no Master Khor..
Bring back the days when we use pen and paper. When everything is so simple.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
It is that Feeling
I just need to find someone who can make me feel the way I felt for him
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Memories that Wouldn't Let Me Go
Why, oh, why, was I reminded of him during this happy time?? Memories of him just suddenly came back to me.. Maybe it is because a lot of my friends are getting engaged or falling in love and I just miss that kind of "heart-thumping" feelings. Maybe I built up such a perfect image of him that I was clouded by it and lost touch of reality. Maybe I was haunted by "what if"...
It has been 5 long years. So so so so long ago... Maybe he is married with children now. If I really dwell on that, tears will flow.. What if I...? What if we...? What if that...?
Back to my dreamland.. Where I will meet him again.. Where things will have fairytale endings.. Where I know it is impossible to make my dreams come true in reality.. That is what makes my dreams so beautiful........