Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Rich Vs Poor
Yesterday, during the chit-chat session, I was so tickled by one of my friends. He was an old boy from ACS and not surprisingly, he is one of the super rich. The things he did with his friends were so funny and amusing! My emotions kept swaying between "So funny!" and "Wah, he is so rich". Their activities were quite different from what I usually do with my friends. It is like a totally different life they are leading.
So, actually it is true that the rich leads a different life from the average family. It is just like how different our lives are from the really poor. It led me thinking about something in the past. There was once this guy who felt inferior because he did not have a job or money. At that time, I thought, "Who cares? We can work together and create a better future. I can take hardships."
That was when I was young. Although it was only a few years back, I think differently now. I will prefer somebody who has a stable income and who has the same standard of living as me. It will be unbearable to count my every cents in whatever I do or buy. And to think that I bring that upon myself by falling for someone who is not financially stable will make matter worse.
Time can really change a person's thinking. I never imagine I will turn out to be like this - materialistic. Although I am not a rich person, I am able to live comfortably. I like the way I live now and I don't intend to change it. I can always rely on myself.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
It is happening...
"When are you getting married?"
When mentioned that you like to learn how to bake, be prepared that such a statement may pop up.
"But you will need someone to eat what you have baked."
To make matters worse, it is your mother who asks these questions.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Beginning of the Holidays!
Today, I went to meet my supervisor for my teaching assistantship for the coming June practicum. Well, I expected to see an uncle with a grim smile, port-belly with a nerdish-look since my school has a lot of those. To my surprise, my supervisor is a slim young man. Hmm.. Maybe not so young as he has laugh lines around his eyes and I believe he is married. (On a side note: I think guys with laugh lines are cute) He seems like a nice guy. I hope he is lenient in his grading. =P
Anyway, I have drawn up a list of things to do for this holiday. This is because during the last long holiday, I was so bored with nothing to do that I began to be discontented with my life and was quite depressed. You can look at my previous blog entries. So I need to keep myself occupied!
Here is the list:
1) Go to the gym three times a week
2) Tune my piano
3) Learn to drive
4) Learn to draw (I've bought the Einstein (from Kid's Central) book for drawing)
5) Buy some office wear
6) Transfer songs into my ITunes and then into my Ipod
7) Change all my passwords for various online websites (a major task)
8) Learn to cook/bake
9) Swim/Hike/Camp
10) A hike at the treetop trail
Yep, that is all I can think of at the moment. To myself: Work hard!
Monday, April 21, 2008
A New Start
The things that gets me excited is that there is a straight bus from my home and it is a mixed school! Yea~ New experience..
Something to look forward to. =)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Ethel's Playtime!
Riding Horse
When Ethel was still a year old, everytime she saw horses galloping on the tv, she would start to mimic riding on a horse. Thus, when we saw this in Vivocity, we thought,"Hey, let her have a try at it!" To our surprise, the horses are not run by electricity! The rider has to press the seat repeatedly to move the horse, like real riding!
Although as young as two years old, Ethel managed to ride the horse like a pro. Clever girl.
Roller Coaster
Children roller coaster in IMM! Heard of it? Neither did I. It is a machine with a screen which shows the view of riding a roller coaster. The machine will then tilt up and down accordingly. Super realistic! It was so real that Ethel got scared and scrambled out of the machine halfway through the ride.
Just look at the pictures. Do I need to say more?
West Coast Park
"Playground" is one of the words Ethel knows very well. The others also include "swing", "kick sand at 叔公"and "walk walk". One of her favourite playground - West Coast Park.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Daddy's Birthday
I think M Hotel's steamboat buffet has one of the best selection and quality of food. They marinated all the meat! Thus, the meat was tender and tasty after cooking. They also had whole promfet for you to throw into the pot! Nice~~My parents didn't know I was taking pictures of them coz I took shots of the reflections in the mirror next to our table. =P
(Ignore my brother's spastic face) I Love my new hairstyle! I wanted to cut my hair and do treatment. In the end, I paid $188 to dye, highlight, cut and treatment my hair. Crazy, I know.. I went to the salon opposite my house and the hair dresser managed to convince me to take their package which includes a free shampoo and conditioner as well.
Well, I am happy with the results though my hair is drier than before. Damn... Should have just cut and treatment my hair.
Anyway, I love my bangs! To friends who have a issue with it, my advice - live with it.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Jaw's 22nd Birthday
The Enemies celebrated her birthday at her house. She da pao Zi Char at one of our favourite stalls because of the cereal chicken. Damn nice! All of us clamoured for the seats in front of that dish. Haha!

In this post, you may find that there are not many pictures of me. This is because I was the un-official photographer for that day. I just LOVE Jaw's camera! It has a very fast shutter speed and I can capture any moments I want. =D
Jaws also presented us with flowers. She is very good with DIY stuffs. She wrapped the flowers herself!
After the dinner, we helped Jaws to clean up her place. We are really nice girls.. On our way to become first rate wives.. Haha!

Finally, it was cake cutting time!
How come everytime we give the presents to the birthday girl, it always look like some award ceremony??
Although it is a bit late, I still wanna say Happy Birthday, Jaws!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Judging by the way the module is carried out and the way they set the assignments, they think that we have been Primary 1 teachers for years! Sorry lor! We are here to learn, not here to plan lessons blindly! Argh!! I hate this module! It is the most unclear, confusing, stagmented, boring, aimless module I had so far!
P.S. I feel like splattering this post with all the vulgarities I can think of but I need to save my energy to go and sort out what-the-hell they want from us.