Friday, May 30, 2008
Chinese Songs
Because of youtube, I managed to track down some of the old chinese songs which I used to like when I was still very young. I remembered an incident when some of my secondary school seniors laughed at me when I told them I listened to FM 95.8. I just feel that nothing can replace the oldies.
As time goes by, I gradually stopped listening to chinese songs. However, I guess my affinity with chinese songs has not ended. It all started when I found the mtv of〈〈一个人的我以然会微笑〉〉on youtube. One song leads to another and soon I managed to dig out a list of my favourite chinese oldies.
My friends used to say that chinese songs are better than english songs as they reach out to my friends better. I did not agree but now I do. I do not understand what happen to the english song-writing industry. They no longer produce songs of similiar quality as before. Nowadays, they only write songs that talk about loose sex, drugs, rehabilitation, boobs, etc. Things that I can't relate to.
I guess I have to seek solace in the old chinese songs.
"When I was young I listen to the radio
Waiting for my favourite songs
When they play I'll sing along
It makes me smile.
Those were such happy times
And not so long ago
How I wonder where they've gone
Those old melodies
Still sound so good to me
As they melt the years away.
Every sha-la-la
Every Woo-woo-woo
Still shines
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
As they started to sing
So fine
When they get to the part
Where he's breaking her heart
It can really make me cry
Just like before
It's yesterday once more."
This song best describe what I am feeling at this moment. Now you know where I get my blog address from.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sze Chuan's Earthquake
On the 12th of May 2008, there was a major earthquake in China Sze Chuan which caused the deaths of 70 000 people , many more injured and millions of broken dreams and hearts. The things that struck me most was the deaths of soooo many school children. Being a teacher myself, I was horrified and saddened by this fact. They were just little boys and girls and to see their little bodies crushed by the school buildings really made me cried. They were in school! School is supposed to be a very safe place where little children study to pave their way to a good future. In the end, the children died in that "safe haven". What an irony...
When I saw pictures of parents crying over their dead children, I could not help but cry. In a country where the law only allow "single child per family", I can imagine the pain the parents felt when their only child is dead. Moreover, their children died in such an abrupt and painful death. There wasn't even enough time to say "goodbye".
This incident revive in me the reason why I want to teach. I want to teach because I want to protect the children. I want to protect them from falling into bad company. I want to protect them from falling into poverty. I want to protect them from being cheated. I want to protect them so that they will learn to protect their loved ones.
It is quite sad to think that I have forgotten about all this in the midst of chasing after good results. Now, I can look back at this post and remind myself.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Back from Genting
Day 1
I had a lot of my nieces and nephews coming along as well. Of course, Ethel was there and so, this entry is going to be filled with lots of her photos. Children make such pretty and interesting subjects that I can not stop snapping them. =)
Ethel with Bear Bear, Ruth's teddy bear.
That is Ruth, Ethel's new found friend. Another of my many nieces. So cute, right?
To our surprise, we had a tour guide! The first stop was to have breakfast at Yong Peng. My uncle's idea of breakfast is drastically different from ours. For the two days, we had about 5-6 dishes of noodles, porridge, vegetables, etc, for breakfast! It was lunch to me!
After the heavy breakfast, we went to a 妈祖 temple at Yong Peng.
My brother with his zodiac animal, Rabbit.
Me with my zodiac animal, Tiger.
My cousin with her zodiac animal, Dragon.
Ethel with her zodiac erm.. plant, Tree. Haha! She refused to take photo with the Dog which is just beside her. Well, the Dog actually looked like Wolf so I don't blame her.
The temple. Very nice, right?
After travelling for a few hours, we stopped halfway up Genting for Lunch. It was at this restaurant called Gohtong Jaya and the food was good!
We also had this wine which is made from Dragon Fruit's enzyme. Very nice!
We went to another temple after lunch. It is situated halfway up Genting. It is a very nice place. Very serene and peaceful..
The guy in the picture is another of my cousins. Ethel sticked to him a lot during the trip. Another new found friend. Haha!
Climbing up a long flight of stairs...
Was rewarded with a spectacular view. Made my legs turned into jelly though.
We went to pay our respects to Lim Goh Tong, Genting's founder. I really admire his vision and courage to turn a moutain into what Genting is today. It was like a miracle story. Another fact about him that surprised me was that he was my fifth uncle's wife's uncle, my 五伯母的舅舅!
A memorial for him.
When we checked in at Genting First World Hotel, it was already 4pm! We had travelled for 10 hours!
I do not really like First World Hotel. It is very small!! The tv is also very small! And they do not have my favourite cartoon channels! Moreover, they do not provide toothbrush nor toothpaste! Which was bad news to me because I did not bring any.
Alas, we did not have time for the Outdoor Theme Park. HAIZ!! We only went to the Indoor Theme Park's Motion Theatre where we were annoyed by some foreigners (I guessed from India). They were very rude and loud. One kept making very shrill whistles in the theatre which pierced through my head. Really felt like scolding vulgarities at that time but I did not dare. Grrr...
The two of us acting cool with the 3-D glasses.
After walking for around, we had dinner at an Italian Restaurant! Haha! I just cannot stand Genting's food and I craved for something better. Actually, it was quite cheap. Only RM73 for the 2 of us! I will definitely recommend this place.
An artistic shot of my brother.
It was casino time after dinner!! Met up with my cousin and went in search of the casino. However, we got lost for a while and managed to stumble into this garden where some couples were making out. Suppose to be steamy, right? But it was damn cold! Shiok!! I love the weather there! It was 17 degree celcius that night!Had fun taking photos there!
Finally, we found the casino. It is such a interesting place. The dealers are so skilled in dealing out cards and chip. They also had very arrogant faces. These made the games so serious. And we could see people betting a few hundred dollars for each game and, in the end, lost their money after a few seconds.
We played Roulette and luckily for us, we won about RM300. Not enough for my Gucci wallet though. Haha! However, I was super nervous the whole time. My hands were clammy and I was cold. The feeling was like how we felt when we played Mahjong and we were waiting for the winning tile. The heart beats faster, the mind is more alert and we keep hoping that the next tile is the one we want. It was like that for me except that this feeling repeated itself every 50 seconds. Really fast and crazy.
We only had about 3 hours of sleep. This is because our coach left Genting at 8am!! SUPER EARLY!!!
We had breakfast at Gohtong Jaya again. And again, we had 5-6 dishes for breakfast.That is Ethel's grandmother, my 2nd Uncle's wife.
After breakfast, we visited the Chocolate Gallery situated halfway up Genting. Using my woman's intuition, I clearly recognised that that was a tourist trap. And so, I bought nothing from there and brought Ethel out for a walk in the area. Haha! My aunties and uncles spent about RM100 per family in that place! *Faints*
We then travelled to Malacca for lunch. The lunch was super good!!! We had roast pork, steamed promfet, abalone, etc. We dined like royalties!There was this special dish - Yam Paste. It was different from the Singapore's version. Just look at the pictures.
There was a strange sight behind the restaurant.
So weird, right? A huge statue of a man in the alley. Wonder what it is for? Creepy...
We saw this school on our way to the next destination. Look at the name of the school.
What happen to their self-esteem?? Haha!
When you go to Malacca, you will definitely go to this place. So did we.
The weather was freaking hot! I think the tour guide must had sighed in relief when we decided we do not want to climb to the top.
After that, we went for dinner. It was only 530pm though but they wanted to beat the jam at Tuas. Clever people. My sentiments exactly. =) Well, we had roast pork again. We even had 佛跳墙!
Finally,we arrived back in Singapore at around 830pm without jam. Phew..
I really enjoyed this trip though it was packed to the brim. Had a lot of fun and saw a lot of interesting things! Wished that my parents had come with us. Nevermind, maybe I'll organise one in the future? =PI love this picture.
Since I started with a photo of Ethel, I shall end with one of hers too.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Off to Genting!
Ok, I shall end here. I want to watch Bleach and maybe have an "early" night tonight. Genting, here I come again!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Dedicated to Xiao Pang
Monday, May 12, 2008
Very meaningful lyrics...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Brother's 21st Birthday
Anyway, we celebrated his birthday at the Owens Restaurant in Turf City. Quite an expensive party and the blame lies in that kiddo. He suddenly declared that he wanted to celebrate his birthday with friends and my parents had to work wonders. In the end, due to time constrain, my Dad decided to hold it in a restaurant.
My brother only invited around 20 of his friends and our relatives made up the rest of the 40 plus people who attended the celebration. And IT WAS A GOOD IDEA! Haha! This is because the ang baos my bro received, wah, made me jealous. A huge sum, man! And my 5th uncle even distributed $2 Toto tickets to each and everyone of us. Haha!
Well, now it is photo time! There were some really good looking guys among my bro's friends. *Winks* Too bad I don't go for young
The food. Got 佛跳墙, bamboo-like thingie, crab, etc. Thus, explained the expensive meal.
My relatives who attended the celebration.
Brother and his friends. Can you spot the good looking ones?? Haha!
Bro, his proud parents and his darling sister. *Pukes*
You know, they always say that younger brothers will look up to their sisters and follow in their footsteps? This is strong evidence. Copy cat! He also had strudels instead of cake.
Although I always "suan" him and use him as a channel to vent my frustrations, I love him very very much. And he knows that, I believe. Happy 21st birthday, Kai Cheng!!
Friday, May 02, 2008
I can DRIVE!
My instructor was pretty funny. He kept praying aloud when I drive. It was not because I might ram the car or get into an accident, it was because I was too rough with the gear stick and the accelarator. Hee! He kept asking me to be gentle with his car. He was also easily influenced by me. Everytime I saw red lights, I would yell, "Red light liao! What do I do now?!" He became flustered too everytime I did that. And when this car overtook me and cut into my lane, I scolded the driver and I guess my instructor must be wondering, "Wah. This is her first lesson and she dares to scold other drivers." Poor instructor.. =P
I also kept laughing my head off at my poor driving skills. When I fumbled around with the clutch, gear and brake and caused the car to jerk, I found it so funny that I could not stop laughing. My instructor said that I was a very happy girl. I replied, "Of course! I finally get to drive." =)