Monday, June 30, 2008
Baby Blues
Alvin (my baby nephew) has fallen sick. He was running a fever. When he coughed, I could hear the congestion in his chest. Poor thing.. Really makes my heart ache..
Because Alvin is sick, we brought his twin brother, Aaron, out during this weekend. We hope that he will not catch anything from his brother. Alas.. Just now, Aaron started to run a temperature. *Big sigh!*
Really hope that they will get well soon! It is heart-rending to see their little bodies suffering from the illness. *Prays*
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monthly Sinus Day
Sinus Day has been passed down from generations to generations. It is a tradition celebrated when there are weather fluctuations, flowering season or dusting day. It usually begins with the onset of sneezes and the celebrations will slowly... begin! There is no traditional costumes for this day but there is a must-have traditional accessory... the wonderful, super absorbent tissue papers! How ever can we forget them?
During the Sinus Day, loads of tissue papers soaked with mucus will be produced. Alas, there is no real purpose for the "mucused" tissue papers. "We are trying our best to find a use of the mucus produced. As oil prices are soaring these days, we hope that our group of scientists will invent machines that will run on mucus in replacement of fuel." Quoted by Ho Shi Yin, president of the Sinus Day committee who is also a counsellor in the Sinus Support Group.
To celebrate the monthly Sinus Day, we have prepared a series of games to spice up the carnival. There will be "See-who-can-shoot-the furthest-distance" competition, "Basket that Tissue Paper" challenge, "Longest Sneezes in a Row", and many other games! The Guinness World Record judges will also be present to count the number of the mucus-soaked tissue papers to enter us into the records. So people, let us do our best!
Enjoy the monthly Sinus Day while it last! I'll see you at the next Sinus Day!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Back to School
Nervous yet looking-forward
Bored yet alert
Sad yet optimistic
Stress and worried and down and tired and trembly and scared...
Think it is the PMS period.. Damn..
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
End of Holidays
*Big sigh!* I don't know what to wear! I have already planned what I want to wear when I received an email saying that we should wear "something comfortable for physical movements" and the place to report is in the hall. (They didn't specify the instructions for the trainee teachers (us) and so I assumed we are included in the instructions.)
I don't know what to wear! I want to create a nice and professional first impression. The outfit that I planned includes heels and a cardigan. And the outfit that I have in mind for physical movements are my brother's shorts (berms to me) and an adidas shirt. The difference is so drastic! I have no clothes that fall in between these two styles. Argh! Why make life difficult for me?!
Funny huh.. The night I spent before entering a new school is about worrying what to wear. I hate it.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Ubin Camp!
Day 1
I went to meet the tents rental company early in the morning and managed to carry the tents to Clementi Mrt Station where I would be meeting the peeps. I was there quite early and I watched the sky turned cloudy and grey. Eventually, it started to rain cats and dogs.
Dark and cloudy
Some of the blocks of flats were hidden by the heavy rain
I was rather worried at that time because we had no wet weather plans. I was afraid the others might scrap the camp.
Luckily, we have some enthusiastic and crazy people who are not going to give in to the weather. And so... We decided to travel to Changi and then made our decisions there. Phew..
The sky looked clearer at Changi village and the rain seemed lighter. We decided to check out the jetty and see if the boats were running. (They may stop if the weather is bad.)
Luck was on our side! We finally made it to Ubin!
Now, I shall let the pictures do the talking. We started the long journey on the train...
Arrived in Ubin and were all suited up to go! I kept complaining that we looked like green peas and carrots but no choice, it was that or get wet. =P
We pitched out tents at Mamam Beach, known for its flying insects. 16 of us had to help to pitch the 8-man tent! What happens if there are only 8 of us?
"What are they doing?"
"Trying to set up a makeshift shelter from the rain."
"Out of 2 ponchos?!"
"Can't they see the big hole in the middle of the 2 sheets?"
"Ego blinded their eyes."
"Are the ponchos big enough?"
"I don't think so."
"So why are they still continuing with that?"
"Ego is their (only) main motivation and reward."
They took half an hour to realise that their efforts were in vain.
The tents were up! A group shot of us!
Some of went to sent off the non-campers to the jetty. After which, we cycled to Chek Jawa. It has undergone a revamp currently and we were curious about its new image. Here we are, on top of the watch tower where we can see most of Ubin.
At the boardwalk which leads us out into the sea.
This used to be a dilapidated haunted house/school. They renovated it into a exhibition hall. We love the cottage-like appearance!
Trying to be artistic but failed terribly.
It was ODAC Sing-a-long session after dinner. ZR printed out the song sheets for us! Haha! It was rather funny because we really poured our guts out singing! Unique experience..
After that, we went for a night walk with only 6 of us in a group. No photos though. I was damn scared.
Day 2
Woke up at 7am and started to unpitch our tents. We wanted MacDonald's breakfast!
One last group photo before we leave.
I really really enjoyed this camp! After we put on our yellow ODAC tee, it felt like we went back in time and was back in our JC days. The guys were real gentlemen during the camp and they really wowed me with their sensitivity and gentlemen ways. I felt like the girls were truly looked after during the 2 days. I like... =)
Really look forward to our next camp......
Friday, June 13, 2008
Gym Sessions
Birdie and Jiang Hao is the most sociable couple I've known. On both occasion, Jiang Hao came and meet up with Birdie and I will tag along for meals. Ya, like one huge glowing light bulb. But they totally put me at ease and the conversation was fine. Thanks, Birdie, for accepting this light bulb on both occasions! =D
I cut my hair again! Now, my bangs are super short (according to my standards). Hope it will grow longer soon because short bangs do not make me look fierce enough. Haha!
(Ubin post up as soon as I received the pictures!)
Birdie: Wah.. The (reception) guy is very very good-looking!
Me: Yah!
Birdie: And he is so tall, too.
Me: I bet he's gay.
Birdie: ??!!
Me: Good things never happen to me.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Ubin Camp, Here I come!

Thursday, June 05, 2008
Between Coke and Water
Suddenly, he sees something shiny on his right. He turns and looks and behold! It is a glass of water! He musters the new energy hope brings, shoots out his right hand and grabs the glass of water. He takes a gulp from the glass. He smiles. The water refreshes his soul and new life pour into him. His eyes lose the vacant stare as hope, once again, glimmers in them. He raises the glass again and is about to take a second gulp when he notices something on his right.
It is a glass of ice cold Coke! He cannot believe his eyes! Coke! If water gives him life, then Coke gives him the will to live. Thirstily, he reaches out for the glass of Coke.
“Stop, my friend.” Is he going crazy? His mind recognizes the speaker but his heart cannot believe it. In front of him stands the devil, red and glowing and on his face is a recognizable grin.
“I am here to offer you a proposal. In your left hand, you are holding onto a glass of Coke. In your right hand, you are holding onto a glass of water. Should you wish to drink the glass of Coke, you will have to forfeit your glass of water and vice versa. Now, make your choice.” The devil grins even more widely. It seems that he is enjoying this little game he is playing with the man.
The man looks at the glass of Coke. Oh, how mysterious and dark it looks. He can almost remember the taste on the tip of his tongue; to feel it sliding down his throat and swishes in his stomach. The man grasps at the strand of the memory as the desert sucks it out of him.
He looks at the glass of water. How bland and uninviting. Moreover, he has tasted it and has lost a bit of interest in it. Why should he still choose it?
“No! Water has saved your life! How can you discard it after it saved you?” He asks himself.
“You are going to die soon anyway. Why not have some pleasure before you are gone?” The devil must have an acquaintance living in him.
“Water will quench your thirst and you may survive this ordeal! You can drink coke for the rest of your life if you get to live.”
The man looks at the glass of Coke and water. The mind argues back and forth. Which one shall he choose? Which one.
Which one will you choose? Coke or water?
This is what happened when I can't get to sleep at night. I'll start thinking of stories.