Monday, August 25, 2008
Family Outing
After an uneventful lunch, we decided to do something impromptu. I love such things! Give you a clue on what we did.

Yes! We went Pulau Ubin! It was my Mum's first time there. My dad has not stepped onto Ubin for 30 years! He told me that last time, there was no shops or any eateries. Just jungle.

We were not dressed appropriately. I was in my denim skirt. Lady Luck was on my side, preventing me from falling into the water while boarding and alighting the Bum boats. Needless to say, none of us brought mosquito repellent. However, only I got bitten by the blood suckers. Maybe Lady Luck decided to take a toilet break at that moment.
We took the Ubin's Taxi to Chek Jawa. It was quite cheap. We only need to pay $20 to and fro Chek Jawa. It was cheaper than renting bikes. Well, we could not cycle anyway. Me and my cousin in our skirts, Dad don't know how to cycle, Ethel's feet couldn't even reach the pedals...

Chek Jawa is still as I remembered it to be. Dad, being his lazy self, refused to go to the watch tower. So we only walked around the Exhibition house and the coastal walk. We only walked for about 15 minutes before Dad decided to leave. Grrr... Such a waste of money. When we reached the van, the driver, an ah pek, had not even finished his smoke. Hmm... Typical of my Dad.
And so it was back to Singapore. Although it was just a short trip, I really enjoyed it very much. I just love spending time with my family, showing them what I love and what I enjoy doing. =)
Monday, August 18, 2008
It's the Damn Portal again...
Yep, it is happening again. I cannot do my e-learning lesson because they decided to do maintanence for the portal from last Friday to yesterday. Yesterday night I tried, the portal was working BUT it couldn't retrieve my user information and so I could not log in. GREAT...
Just now I tried, there was a stupid pop-up that stopped me from logging in. I called the helpdesk and they told me they will solve it by tonight.
Want to know the deadline of my elearning lesson? Some said it's Friday and some said before my next tutorial lesson. My next tutorial lesson is today. Which I forgot to attend because the teacher switched it to today and told us she will remind us using the portal. Which happens to be down.
Wow.. It sucks big time.
Monday, August 04, 2008
The Diagnosis
I had a Skin Prick test to test for allergies. I was fooled by the innocent little bottles with their cute little caps. The specialist took up each cap and pressed against my skin. And it hurt! The bottom of those caps actually cut my skin! I still have the marks made by the caps now. Grrr...
After 15 minutes, the skin pricked by the caps started to swell. The ones that swelled tell us that I am allergic to something. The doctor revealed that I am allergic to DUST MITES.
That's the disgusting creature. It is an microscopic organism and belongs to the spider family. Actually, people are not allergic to the dust mite itself but to its droppings. Ewww.... So I've been breathing in its shit all this time...
There is no cure for allergies. So I guess I have to live with it then.
I got my timetable for this semester! And I am super happy with it because I only need to go back to school for 3 days. Goodie! (To Xiao Mei: I have 3 hours lunch break on Tues and Weds. We can meet for lunch on one of these days? =))
I've got myself a new phone! The Samsung Omnia! *Happy*