So many birthdays this month.. It was Ethel's birthday last Sunday. She turned 3 this year! How time flies...

We took her shopping for presents at Toys"R"Us prior to the celebration. We were in there for an hour, looking for toys after toys but found none suitable. In the end, Ethel just wanted a cheap toy car. She was, surprisingly, so easy to satisfy. Haha!
We had the birthday celebration at Ethel's Grandma's house which is one door away from mine. Haha! So it was very convenient.

Her Mum asked a friend to cook for the party who used to work as a hawker. The roast pork was bought by my cousin.
This post is going to be filled with many pictures of my niece and nephews. I just love taking pictures of children! They are so natural, so cute, so funny....

Ethel and Alvin singing to wordless songs which tunes they made up on the spot.

A VERY adorable picture of Alvin! And I just realised that he has grown so much!

I love this picture. 3 years old Ethel looking at herself when she was 2 years old.

And then it was cake-cutting time! My cousin bought the cake from Bakerzin. They were very generous with the strawberries!! Alas, I don't eat strawberry. =P

Picture with Ethel. I was looking very "cui" coz I was rushing my assignments for the past few days and I don't feel the need to dress up when they are just next door from me. Haha!
Again, I wanna end the post with a picture of Ethel.....
.......and to say that we still love her very much.