Thursday, May 21, 2009
You say what huh?
Actually, there are many English mistakes I've spotted in print and during conversations. I am not saying that I am a Guru in English and I can't speak English fluently either. But those mistakes are just so glaring that I couldn't ignore it.
The following mistakes are made by many people and I am not aiming at anybody.
1) "Welcome" has no "s".
2) "Couple" means 2. Do not use "a couple of days" when you mean more than 2 days.
3) "Either" can only be used between 2 choices.
4) "Sort of" is not pronounced as "short of". These are 2 different words with different meanings.
5) "Touchy" means sensitive. "My friend is very touchy". This means that my friend gets irritated easily. It doesn't mean that my friend likes to touch people.
6) It's "take off your clothes", not "take of your clothes".
7) "Taught" is the past tense of "teach". "Thought" is the past tense of "think". 2 different words.
Ok, think that's all for now. Finally can get some off my chest. =P Now, you can go and aim your friends. Haha!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
My Reward~

My picture says it all. I HAVE BOUGHT A KEYBOARD! And the best part is that I bought it at a $200 discount! Yeah!!
On Sunday, we went for Ice-Creams near my place and look at what we did.

Too bad those durians were not ripe. They were blown down by the wind. Bleagh.. No free durians for me. We are really city kids. Couldn't even recognise that those durians were not ripe. But we had fun from our durian-picking. =)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Last Day at Work
On Thursday, the trainees in my school went for a celebration dinner at Sakura Restaurant.

On the last day itself, I actually end work at 3pm because I had a supplementary lesson with my P5s. I will really, really, really miss teaching them. Although they are a noisy and handful bunch, they are really nice kids and very responsive in lessons. I love teaching children who are responsive and who really take interest in the subject.
At the end of the lesson, they surprised me by giving me cards and gifts! I didn't tell them I was leaving because I didn't want them to spend time and money making things for me. Turned that their form teacher informed them a few days ago. Looking at the cards, I was so happy and touched. One of the girls actually teared a little and was caught by her friends. Made me held back my tears too.
Most of the cards were from my P5s. Made me laughed when they said they enjoyed my M&Ms activity for teaching ratio. I made them swallowed ALL the M&Ms within 5 seconds because I was rushing for time. They enjoyed that part most. Haha!
During lunch, I went to the canteen to buy food. Suddenly, my P6s surrounded me and gave me this huge pot of flowers. They cheered and shouted in the canteen. I was so surprised!! I only met them twice a week for Social Studies and I am ashamed to say that I do not know most of them well. Yet, they bought flowers for me. So sweet.
Their form teacher, who is also my CT, gave me this. And I only gave her a stalk of sunflower.
My English CT is on long term MC so I didn't get to see her and thank her personally one last time. Haiz. She bought me this Molton Brown shower gel.
My School Coordinating Mentor gave me this.
2 adjunct teachers (retired teachers but who are still working) gave me this necklace to thank me for helping them with the IT stuffs. I am writing an IT Manual for them. Haha!
I am such a lucky girl to have such wonderful CTs, colleagues and students. But my fate with them ends on Friday and now, a new school with a new bunch of people are waiting for me to join them. Hope that my experience there will be equally great and fulfilling. If not, even better.