Hair Clips
I think somebody pass them to me, forgetting that I had short hair. I didn't use the the clips at all because my short hair stayed with me throughout my childhood and teens. Still, they are pretty to look at. =P
Pencil Sharpeners
The Rubber Thing
Haha, can't guess what this is? It is a rubber thingie that you can stick on top of your pencil. They were in a rage during my time. God knows why little children like to stick things on top of their pencils. Guess we have a thing for "personalising" our belongings since then.
Cassette Player
This is a real antique! I don't think that we could find this anywhere else! You can plug this player to the tv and play games like "Supervision" (don't know what the hell that is) and other equally unheard-of games. Of course, the graphics are a far cry from the games we play today. However, this is the father of Playstation, Nintendo and Xbox! By the way, this player can be played on Black and White tv as well. Haha! Like I've said, it is a real antique!

These are the bags I used when I was just a little girl. My mom likes to dress me up in cute attires when I was very young (and defense-less). Somewhere along my growing up years, something went wrong and I end up dissing cute attires. Haha! Must be a disappointment to my mom.
Jigsaw Puzzles
My favourite past time! When I was young, I used to fix the jigsaws and stick them together myself. I really enjoy piecing the pieces together and end up with a pretty and interesting picture! I don't understand why some people hate fixing puzzles. They can send them to me! I would fix it FOR FREE! I love the game so much that I have plenty of jigsaws around my house. However, I feel that they cluttered up my walls and thus, decided to throw them away. But it is ok. Afterall, according to the Chinese saying, 旧的不去,新的不来. =)

These are some of things that I threw away. I'm so thankful that digital cameras were invented. Now, I can keep them in my laptop and free up the space for new things. Goodbye, old toys!
Hello, new ones!