Sunday, March 21, 2010
Smses That Irritate Me
1) Chain smses
I don't know how many times I have said this but I am going to repeat it again. I HATE CHAIN SMSES AND EMAILS!!!!!!!! Chain smses/emails are those that CURSE AT YOU if you did not pass them on! WHICH TRUE FRIEND WOULD WANT TO CURSE ANY FRIEND????
And the ironic thing is that the "curses" usually are attached to heartwarming and touching friendship smses/emails. The sms/email would start of with, "you are such a good friend and I appreciate you so much." The next moment, "you better pass it on or I'll curse you!"
Usually, these kind of smses/emails are sent from people who want to save their asses from what they believe to be real curses. Let me tell those people this, if you send me those smses/emails because you do not wish to be cursed by the fake friends who sent them, you will still GET CURSED. BY ME. Too bad, never think of the repercussions, do you?
2) SMSes with so-called "Psychology Questions"
These smses usually goes like this:
From the sender: "Do you see me as a...
a) ...Rabbit
When I first received such smses, I really thought seriously before answering. But the replies ALWAYS PISS ME OFF! The replies are always way-off about how I feel about the sender! And so, I detest these smses!
Seriously, if you REALLY want to know how I feel about you, ASK ME! Don't beat around the bush and seek comfort in all these flimsy and unreliable analysis. Someone told me before that the answers reflect how I feel subconsciously. If that is true, UNLESS YOU GET KNOCKED DOWN BY A CAR OR GOT STRUCK BY LIGHTNING, I DOUBT THE FEELINGS IN MY "SUBCONSCIOUS LEVEL" WOULD EVER SURFACE!
So on to number 3..
3) Stupid Questions
These are sms questions that the sender can answer himself/herself using common sense. Just received one such question which made me want to blog this entry. I was sms-chatting with this person about my Taiwan trip.
Sender of stupid question (SSQ): So are you going to hitch hike?
Me: Of coz not. Both of us are girls. Anyway, don't think we are as poor as that.
SSQ: Haha.. But you said backpacking ma. So I tot you hitchhike your way around.
I said something that has an underlying meaning of "don't be stupid" and that we will save money on lodgings.
SSQ: How to save on it??
See! Stupid question!! I guess I don't need to explain more to you, right? (Unless you are SSQ himself)
Anyway, my reply was "Stay in cheaper places." Waste my sms...
Ok, these are the 3 top irritating smses in my list. I am quite confident that most of you would agree with my sentiments, right? Well, unless you are someone who had sent similar smses before.... =P
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Perfect One
I have found him. Why is he perfect?
He doesn't come easy. I only made him mine after much thinking, weighing, whining and hair-pulling.
I have lived through a period of anguish, deciding.
I felt ecstatic when he becomes mine. All anguish were gone.
I dreamt of him.
Although he is not the best-looking one around, his superb and endearing qualities made up for the average looks.
That said, his appearance is good enough for me.
He has a clear mind and acts without hesitation.
He is able to make my world turns into whatever colour I fancy.
He is observant of little details.
He makes me want to take good care of him .
Let me introduce my new love.
A semi-pro camera which takes clear vivid pictures with a super fast shutter-speed, has colour swapping function and an unbeatable macro mode. Tell me, what's not to love about him?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Taiwan Trip!
I have booked my air tickets! Have booked myself and Pei Xuan on a flight to Taiwan on the 10th of May. Coming back on the 25th! Woohoo!! Two whole weeks in Taiwan! =)
Any must-go places? =P
Sunday, March 07, 2010
24th Birthday!!
Anyway, back to my birthday celebrations! The first celebration was with Maggie, Gwen and Ba Jie at Brewerkz!

They bought me the coolest eyeliner I ever seen! And I am so in love with it. =)

We spent 5 long hours, sitting in Brewerkz, talking about everything under the sun, or rather, moon. From ghost stories, to insects and cats phobia, to Ba Jie's investments, to us opening a mani and pedi salon together. Come to think of it, girls are rather formidable creatures, eh? =P
Our food! Potions were too small. Bleagh...

Celebrated with Huli this time round. So we shared the birthday cake!

I like this picture because I looked slim! Haha! I know it's illusion lar..
I love them! (Birdie, see, you are always on our mind!)
Third celebration with our Secondary School girls at La Villa! We can always trust Wan Lin to bring us to a place with good ambience and food!
Our food! I just realised that we never took photos of the desserts! My favourite panna cotta....
The sweet girls whom I have know for 11 years! And I have known Sherlyn for 13 years!
After the dinner, Wan Lin and me felt like clubbing but the other were not that keen. In the end, we went sing K! Haha! Our favourite activity!
On my actual day, I celebrated my birthday with my family. It was a nice simple affair at a Teochew restaurant after visiting the temple (coz it was the last day of the lunar new year).
On the 4th of March, my NIE clique celebrated my birthday for me at Catherine's house! She has a KTV system at her place and gamely suggested cooking for us!
Her KTV system is super cool! We had the whole block as our audience. Haha!
Chef Cat and her super spicy but delicious spahgetti!
Mahjong time after it was getting too late to blast the block!
Pictures taken and designed using a cool app in iPhone! Oh my.. I want an iPhone!
I want to end off by thanking my friends who spent time, money and effort celebrating my birthday with me! I feel very blessed and loved during occasions like this! It makes growing old worth it (at least for that day). Haha! *Hugs*
Thursday, March 04, 2010
I Don't Know What I'm Doing..
Others enjoy the process but I keep having this sinking, dull feeling in me. What am I doing??? This feeling really sucks.
And now I regretted telling my mum what happened. It seems that she is willing for me to date any Tom, Dick or Harry that comes along.
Why can't I meet the RIGHT PERSON????
(P.S. Dear friends, this is a secret.)