Wednesday, April 28, 2010
To Win or Not To Win
Recently, I saw this piece of news that a man had won the lottery in the States. He is now a millionaire.
It sets me thinking.. How come the people who won so much money never stay as millionaires? Their names are not in the world's richest. They do not appear in Forbes Magazine. We never heard of their achievements after winning so much money.
Imagine having millions as capital for business. The person can practically deal with any business he/she wants. Hotels, F&B, Entertainment, Media, etc. With that huge capital, the person ought to succeed in one way or another!
I guess what happened with the money is that the winners spent them all away. The millionaires who stay as millionaires are the ones who have acquired the discipline, wisdom and determination as they start from scratch and work their way up. When the huge windfall suddenly dropped into their laps, these winners simply lack the discipline, skills and wisdom to make their money grow. Thus, they never stay as millionaires.
So, it's good that we do not win lottery right? Coz it must have sucked to go back to our poor ways after living as millionaires. =P
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Mag's and Gwen's Birthday At Paulaner!
We celebrated Gwen's and Maggie's birthday at Paulaner this year. I've only been to Paulaner for drinks and didn't know they serve food on the second floor. Heck! I didn't even know they have a second floor. Haha!

I love their pork knuckles! The meat is so tender, it doesn't taste like pork! I think it was one of the best roast pork knuckles I've ever tasted!

Pictures taken with Ba Jie. She is a girl who seldom take offense at my teasing (though I'm careful not to go overboard). Good sport! And she is rather quick on her feet too! We could throw punches back and forth all night. Haha!

P.S. I love my camera and the pictures taken!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Epitome of Murphy's Law
"Things that will go wrong, will go wrong."
I had two project deadlines yesterday - a reflections and a written report. The reflections was done two weeks ago, which I must say, was most unusual for me. The written report was completed yesterday at 1pm, which I must say, was very typical of me.
The report's deadline was at 5.30pm. So I thought I got plenty of time to print out both my report and reflections and sashayed slowly to school.
That was when Murphy's Law acted.
My printer was spoilt halfway through printing. The last few pages it spewed looked like they were written in Morse code. Spent some time trying to fix it but failed. Spent more time cursing and swearing.
Panic set in. I smsed my cousin-in-law and asked her whether I could go to her house next door to print my assignments. She replied ok and I hopped over. Plugged in the printer's USB and waited. Result: My laptop could not auto install the printer.
Panic started mounting. I asked my dad to send me to school. Reached school at 3pm.
Long queue in the Computer Lab. Got my computer after 10 minutes and started printing.
Heart beat slower and stomach started growling. The production of adrenaline slowly stopped. Saw my friend and let her used my computer.
"Do you know that the reflection's deadline was at 12 noon?" WTH!! Adrenaline exploded throughout my body! I thought it was at 5.30pm, similar to the report's deadline! I quickly packed my things, apologised to my friend and rushed to hand in both report and reflections.
Tell me, am I the epitome of Murphy's Law or what.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Braces Diary
This month, the ortho decided that it is time to close the gaps. He introduced the rubber chain which was white in colour. It is a bad colour choice because the rubber chain now is currently neon green. The cause of this colour change? Thai green curry.
Picture taken when the rubber chain was still white in colour.
After the visit to the ortho, you were pretty sore. It reminded me of the time when I had the separators in. It was horrible. At one point, I took nearly an hour to finish my fish bun. Luckily, you are somewhat back to normal now. =)
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
The Bride-to-be's Birthday
At first, we thought of hitting the clubs after her birthday dinner. But it was cancelled in the end. By the way, I never knew that clubbing is such a excellent incentive for me. I managed to finish my reflection essay two weeks before it was due because I wanted to go clubbing without feeling guilty. Hmm.. Maybe I should ask my friends out to club whenever assignments are due soon. =P
Anyway, we had fun playing Mahjong!
Birdie and I were shocked that they were still at 南风 when we reached at 630pm as they started playing at 430pm. All due to .... Ah Bun. Haha!
Our scrumptious dinner!
The birthday cake from Bakerzin. It was sooo much better than the brownie cake from Polar, according to the rest.
Our pictures with the birthday girl!
Here's the first time I introduce Jaw's fiance in my blog. He is going to be part of our one big family soon!
I can still remember the day when Jaws first introduced him to us. Let me dig up the photo then...
Our young and youthful faces! This brings back a lot of memories... (5 years ago, when we were 19) =)
Compare then and now! Haha! Reality check. Bleagh...
Our portraits done by Xiao Pang. Somehow, I couldn't decide whether I like the pictures or not. They seemed to compliment and insult us at the same time. 高招. Haha!
Lastly, I wanna end off with ...
.... Happy Birthday girl! I am so excited about your wedding! =D
Friday, April 02, 2010
Not My Cup Of Tea
Mum: That time 姨丈 (who is a medium) predicted that you will get married by the age of either 25 or 28.
My reply?
Me: Must be shotgun.