Teacher's Investiture Ceremony
At first, I did not want to go. I received news nearer to the date that it is compulsory for us to go. They did their "thing" again, forcing us to do something just because we "owe" them the money. But anyway, I'm glad I went. It was time well-spent catching up with friends.
Found this stuck on my metal cupboard in the staffroom. One of my HODs put it there. It made me laugh out loud. I guess this is his way of telling the rest to go easy on me as I am a "P-Plater". But then, my friend said that "P-Platers" are always the easy target for bullies. -_-...
Salad For Lunch
As part of my determination to lose weight, I have switched to eating salads for lunch. The salads are prepared by yours truly and I am proud of my creation. =P
These meals were not cheap though. I think each meal cost me around $5-$6. But it is still cheaper and healthier than popping pills!
Went to Jaw's new house for dinner on a Friday. It was quite exciting because none of us has a place to call our own yet. And they had a surprise for me.
Xiao Pang's sister, Chu Xin, baked these muffins to cheer me up after reading my blog. I was so touched that I was speechless. I really really appreciate the thought and effort that went into this. I must have done something good in my previous life to deserve friends like them. =)
Angry Birds
Had fun playing with Ethel's, Alvin's and Aaron's Angry Birds one afternoon.
We used our building blocks to create an Angry Bird's scene too.
English Noticeboard
One day, my English HOD tasked me to help design the school's English Noticeboard. I was stumped. Luckily, my Level Head came up with great ideas and I helped to carry out and modfiy some bits here and there. In the end, we were so proud of our board!
Founder's Day Dinner
My first Founder's Day in my new school. It was a chance for the teachers in my school to dress up and look pretty for the night. So unlike their usual self. I have many beautiful teachers in my school!
Make-shift Bed
Inner Desire @ Wavehouse Sentosa
Esther, my ODAC friend, has set up a blogshop selling bikinis and night gowns. She asked me to help out at her fashion show at Wavehouse last Saturday. I like exposing myself to jobs outside my usual scope and she is a good friend of mine so I agreed immediately.
My job was to help the model attached to me change into 4 different sets of bikinis. They were really professional and had no qualms changing in front of strangers. I think we, Esther's friends, felt more awkward than the models. Heh!
It was a real mad rush in the changing tent. There were only 5 models and the runway was short. That meant that they would have little time to change.
Anyway, Esther's blogshop is http://www.inner-desire.com/. Visit her store if you are thinking of buying lingerie, bikini, swim wear or night gowns!
After helping out with Esther's event, I met up with Jane and her cousin to go prawning at Jurong Hill. It was nice, chilling and catching up with small interludes of excitement when the prawns got hooked.
And so, this concludes my little photolog from the pictures taken using my Iphone. I have moved on. =)