Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Bad Driver
Firstly, I drove off without releasing my handbrake. Shit.
Next, I mount the kerb on the very first station, the S-course. Shit.
I got so discouraged which caused me to mount/strike all the curbs I see. Shit.
I knocked down a pole during parallel parking. Shit.
My car stalled. Shit.
I was a nervous wreck. I think the circuit is my curse. Argh...
(All these things never happened during practice. *Hit myself*)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Falling in Love Over and Over Again
I seemed to fall for guys on first meetings. They are new and they are interesting. I have already liked soooo many people that I lost count on how many people I liked before. Especially with guys who live a different sort of life from mine. I hate it. It seemed that I am "loose" in giving out my feelings. And yet, I just can't help doing that over and over again. I hate it.
But after a few days, one fine morning when I wake up, the feeling will be gone. And I will be calm and at peace again. I hate this even more. Why can't my feelings last?
I had this friend who once said this to me," It worse not liking anybody at all than being in a one-sided love with somebody". I so totally agree. I know that some of you will be shaking your head in disagreement. Maybe it is because you remember past rejections. But at least you love someone before and have tried to make it work. I don't even have someone to like for long! It can't even work on my side to begin with! Isn't that sadder?
There are only two times I like someone very much and manage to stay that way for quite some time. In Secondary 2, I like this guy for almost two years and when I was 17, I like this net friend for half a year. That's it. I wonder when my heart will stay fond for someone again.
I like someone now. The feeling just came today. I bet it will disappear in a few days time.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Maggie's Wedding!!
As I was part of the "Sisters" gang, I was involved in the planning and executing of the various challenging tasks for the groom and his "Brothers". The Brothers were great sports! Nobody lost his temper and performed the tasks with gusto. Cheers to them! Now, let me show you what we did to them. *Evil laughter*
Before that, the 9 Sisters must take pictures with the lovely Bride before putting her veil down.
Soon after, the Brothers arrived! Downstairs, the Groom and the Brothers got ready to face the challenges and fight their way through.Chiong Arh!!!
First Task
The first task. Put on Boxers.
Executed by Gwen and Eian.
Next, stick on alphabets.
Lastly, rearrange themselves to form a sentence and yelled out that sentence under our window. "We (Heart) You Maggie!"
Second Task
Using pails and towels, performed a lion dance! There was one catch, they had to climb the stairs to the 7th floor while performing the dance. By the time they arrived, they were all sweaty and tired. Haha!
Third Task
Upon arrival, they were greeted by the rest of the Sisters and a "feast". *Evil laughter* The first dish - salted bananas. Basically, they soaked the bananas in salt water for a few hours. Yucks.
According to the Brothers, the bananas tasted like garbage. Haha! Luckily, Ah Gu was there to finish up most of the bananas. He is the one who appears most in the collage.
Fourth Task
The next dish - Wasabi Sandwich. The dish was made up of two pieces of bread sandwiching a hell lot of wasabi.
The dish had a new found fan - Ah Beng. He said he quite liked it. Dunno whether it is because of male ego or he really likes it. =P He is the guy pointing to the sandwich in the collage.
Fifth Task
A drink to wash down all the food - Bitter herbal drink. The drink was made by yours sincerely. Before the wedding, I seeked advice from my Mom on how to make the most bitter drink she know. She told me there are two types of herbs which will make very bitter drinks. In the end, I mixed the two herbs together. Powerful! Haha!
The Brothers could not stand it anymore and decided to pass the Sisters our Ang Pao. Inside the red packet, there were only 10cents for each of us! Fail!!! Bring on the next task!
Sixth Task
Another drink - Lime Juice. Made from 100% lime juice. You can bet that we didn't mix any water in it.
Seventh Task
Time for some physical activity. A dance cheographed by Patrica and Elvee.
The guys could not remember the steps. In the end, they improvised on the spot which turned out to be equally funny. Great sports!
Eighth Task
A drink (again) after dancing - Honey drink. We were not so mean after all. =P
The funny thing was that the Brothers couldn't guess what drink that was. Some said that the honey drink tasted sour, some said bitter, some said salty.. We guessed that it was because all the previous dishes killed their taste buds. Haha!
Ninth Task
The Brothers were spared from this task. This time, the Groom had to face it alone. Time for some waxing!
In order to save himself and his friends from further torturing, the Groom decided to pass us a red packet which had a more appropriate amount of money. Satisfied, we opened the door.
But the tasks had not ended. Haha!
Tenth Task
The key to the bride's room was frozen in ice. So, they got to get it out.
Finally!! The Groom passed all the tests and won his bride!!
I love this part. The Brothers and Sisters were standing outside the room when the Bride and the Groom came out. Suddenly, we just had this brain wave. We started clapping and singing the wedding march song. So nice! "Deng... Deng, Deng, Deng!"
It was pictures time for the Sisters, Bride and Groom!In the middle picture, the Groom ran out of poses and looked behind for help. Haha!
In the evening, Maggie and Damien had their solominzation ceremony and dinner at Chijmes.
The place was fantastic!! Soooooo nice and romantic! Just look at the pictures.
The solomenization was held outdoor in the garden.
After the ceremony, we proceeded back to the restaurant for the dinner. Ba Jie, Chelsia, Winnie and me were the receptionists.The flower girl and boy. So cute, right??
During the dinner, the Groom, Damien, sang a song for his Bride. Quite a touching moment. I was touched by the Groom professing his love for his wife and also by the Brothers, who stood at the side and sang with the Groom. Such support they had shown for their friend.
In the middle of the dinner, the Brothers decided to have their revenge. One of the Brothers was the emcee and he "requested" all the Sisters up onto the stage. He then told the guests that it was pay back time and "requested" us to dance an erotic dance! Crazy!
Luckily, Elvee snatched the mike and "requested" the Brothers on stage to dance with us. Haha! In the end, the Bride and the Groom came and danced for their guests. We were spared. Phew.....Group photos with my ex-bosses and with the Sisters Gang.
I had to leave early because I needed to work the next day. So I didn't join in the post-wedding party. Haiz.... It sucked... Next day when I woke up at 530am and started preparing for work, I kept thinking of all the fun that I missed out. Maybe they were only going to bed at that time. Argh....
But I had great fun! It was definitely the most happening wedding that I had ever attended.. =D
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Stayover at Ba Jie's House
We met up for dinner at Changi Airport first. How I loveee that place! I love its hugeness, cleanliness, the atmosphere and not forgetting, Popeye's Chicken! I love their mash potato! Yum!
After a satisfying meal, it was photo taking time! Ba Jie was crazy over taking photos!! She can shoot and shoot and shoot at every single little thing.... Haha! Crazy!
The only thing that I complained about her is that she keeps taking those very sweet, act cute pictures. See below.
And so, I taught her some new moves. Haha!No GST leh!! Yes!!
On our way, we saw some children rubbing crayons furiously on pieces of paper. The two girls decided to join in the fun. Me, being the practical one, asked, "So what are you going to do with the pictures?" I received silence. And so, I told them to have fun and found myself somewhere to sit and wait for them. =P
After that, we took a cab to Ba Jie's place at Seng Kang. We had a lot of plans. Paint our nails, surf friendster, look at Maggie's honeymoon pictures, eat cheesecake..... In the end, we did none of the above. Haha!
Girls, being girls, we just talked and talked into the wee hours. That is the whole aim of sleepovers! We talk!
All in all, I had a great time! Thank you, Ba Jie!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Being a Operater's Nightmare
Operator: Hi, this is (cannot remember). How can I assist you?
Me: Hi, I would like to enquire about something. Recently, I renewed my Singnet contract and the package includes a free phone. I have received the letter already. The problem is that the redemption centre is in Eunos. I lived in Clementi. Is there any nearer redemption outlet?
Operator: Sorry, that is the ONLY outlet.
Me: Why Singtel wants to set up a redemption counter in the East? It is very inconvenient!
Operator: (Proceed to give me a long explanation which actually did not really answer my question)
Me: I feel that Singtel is not sincere in giving out the free phones. Why make it so troublesome for us to redeem the phone? Hoping that you all can save up on a few phones, eh?
Operator: Oh no no.. Not like that.. Can I put you on hold?
Me: Sure.
(After a minute)
Operator: Thanks for holding. I am sorry but you will have to go to this outlet.
Me: This contract is under my mother's name. You expect a 50+ lady take a bus all the way from Clementi to Eunos to redeem a phone?!
Operator: Actually she can authorise somebody to redeem the phone. Is there anybody whom she can authorise? What about... erm... what about... erm... you?
Me: I need to work! We need to work! Can u give me suggestions? Is there any alternatives? Anybody I can talk to?
Operator: Erm... Can you hold for 2 minutes? I talk to my manager again?
Me: Yes. Thank you.
(After a few minutes)
Operature: I am really sorry Miss. My manager said "no".
Me: Does your manager handle calls?
Operature: No, Miss.
Me: So he just sits in one corner and handle questions?
Operator: No, no. He has other stuffs to do. I am really sorry.
Me: Don't be sorry. This is not your fault or decision. You have done a good job by helping me. Really, Singtel is not sincere. Bye.
Operator: Thank you for calling Singtel!
Why can't they just let me redeem the phone at a nearer outlet??!!?!?!??!!! ^!&)#$@#@^*!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
My Driving Instructor is Driving Me MAD!
He replied, "I won't forget such a thing."
Just as I predicted, he forgot. To make matters worse, he didn't seem to remember his promise! And he had no slot left for me this week!! Grrr.... I then told him to help me book the circuit again.
Today, I called and the first thing he said was "Shi Yin, ya? Any problem?" I should have replied "Yes! You!" HE FORGOT AGAIN!
And he made up this excuse that we only practise in the circuit 2 weeks before my exam. If that is the case, WHY DID YOU PROMISE ME IN THE FIRST PLACE?! VERY FUN HUH!
I am so MAD! If I fail my driving, my driving instructor makes a very good excuse.
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Shallow Frog Prince
Anyway, in case some of you who have never heard of the story (what happened to your childhood?!), here's the summary of "The (Shallow) Frog Prince".
There was a beautiful princess who dropped her golden ball into a pond while playing with it one day. She sobbed over the lost of her ball when suddenly, a frog popped up and struck her a deal. It would retrieve the ball for her provided that she would allow it to eat, play and sleep with her. The princess promised though she had no intention of keeping her promise. The frog managed to retrieve the ball but to its dismay, the princess ignored the frog and ran back to the castle. In the evening during dinner, the frog appeared at the castle. Under her father's pressure, the princess condoned the frog to eat from her plate. She kept crying and was very ungracious over the whole thing. In the end, when she dropped the frog onto her bed (also part of the deal), the frog turned into a handsome young prince. They fell in love and lived happily ever after.
WHAT A SHALLOW STORY!! What was the author propagating?? That one should focus on looks to have a happy marriage??! When the prince was a frog, he was exposed to the ugly side of the princess. She went back on her promise and found him ugly. When he turned into a prince, she IMMEDIATELY fell for him! What a superficial bitch. Wonder why the prince still wants her to be his wife?? Oh I forgot. The princess is beautiful, remember?
So now I have got a clue why most people go for looks. If this is the kind of crap we listened to when we were young, then it is of no wonder that we are instilled with the idea that looks are that important. (Honestly, I am also a shallow person who prefer guys to be good-looking. And yes, I read this story when I was a child.)
This story is going to be in my black list. I will never ever read this story to my students or child(ren). Ever.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I am going to take part in a piano competition!
Woohoo! Can't believe it. Seriously, I am not very good in playing the piano. But I'm itching to give the competition a try, to see how far I can push myself.
It will add colours to the competition though, wouldn't it? A adult playing grade 2 music among the teeny ones. =P
I must practice, practice, practice! Now that I have agreed, there will not be any half-hearted efforts.
This is so exciting! Haha!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Give Me the MONEY!
Anyway, I still have a list of things I want to buy!
1) Braces ~$4500
2) Paper Cutter ~$50
3) Children Classics ~$100 (for now)
4) Vacuum Cleaner
5) Mini Notebook ~$700
6) Electronic Keyboard ~$500
Argh! Give me the MONEY!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Bangkok Trip (Last Day)!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Bangkok Trip (Second Day)!
We made it in time for breakfast the 2nd day! Nothing fantastic though. However, a feast awaited our eyes in the dining room. A group of very good-looking caucasians were sitting next to our table. Slurps~ Keke!Look at how happy Xiao Pang was.
Our tour guide, Jaws. She is really good with the map and at leading us around BKK. We decided to walk (again) to Platinum Mall and the wholesale place opposite it.
The crazy girls with our Hotel in the background.
After walking for around 15 minutes, we reached Platinum Mall. It was a shopping paradise!! Much, much better than Chatuchak!
Quickly took some spastic pictures before the shopkeeper spotted us.
Food! The best thing about dining in Thailand is that the food always come so cheap and delicious!
Look at my "rewards" after a hard day's work. =P I need a huge plastic bag to put all my shopping inside.
We went back to our hotel after shopping to get dressed for part 2 of day 2. It was the highlight of our trip.
We dolled ourselves up because the place we were going to has a dress code. But before that, we went to Suam Long Night Bazaar to fill up our stomachs first. At first, I thought that that place is like a market. I was uncomfortable going there with us all dolled up. I did not want to invite unwanted attention. To my surprise, the place Birdie introduced is not like a market at all! It had a live band and a romantic ambience. We love that place.Of course, we could not resist taking photos.
After a satisfying meal, we decided to make our way to BANYAN TREE HOTEL!! Yes, that was the highlight! You will know why when you see the photos.On our way to the 59th floor.
Look at the view!! We went to this fine dining restaurant, on top of Banyan Tree Hotel, called Vertigo. It is an outdoor restaurant which means that there is no shelter on top of our heads! On the 60th floor! It really, really took our breath away. We could see lights sparkling and stretching into the darkness, feel the breeze that made me feel weightless for a moment, feel the vastness of the sky above us... It. Just. Took. My. Breath. Away.
No collage of pictures here. The view was just too good to cram into collages.
The service from that place was fantastic. They even took a complimentary photo of us and gave EACH OF US A COPY OF THAT PHOTO!! They were damn generous! The photo really touched us. It really made our day.Words just cannot describe the feeling I had that night. It was beyond amazed, surprised, touched, grateful, appreciative, happy.....
Let me end Day 2 on this happy note.