Sunday, December 07, 2008

My Driving Instructor is Driving Me MAD!

My driving instructor broke his promise again and again! He promised to book the driving circuit for me to practise on last week. Before I left the car on our previous lesson, I even said, "Make sure you don't forget."

He replied, "I won't forget such a thing."

Just as I predicted, he forgot. To make matters worse, he didn't seem to remember his promise! And he had no slot left for me this week!! Grrr.... I then told him to help me book the circuit again.

Today, I called and the first thing he said was "Shi Yin, ya? Any problem?" I should have replied "Yes! You!" HE FORGOT AGAIN!

And he made up this excuse that we only practise in the circuit 2 weeks before my exam. If that is the case, WHY DID YOU PROMISE ME IN THE FIRST PLACE?! VERY FUN HUH!

I am so MAD! If I fail my driving, my driving instructor makes a very good excuse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg. your driving instructor's an old man issit? y so forgetful de.
