Friday, April 10, 2009

Excuse me, you are Miss... Mrs... Mdm... ??

One of the problems I face at work is the salutations of the females! I don't understand. There is no problem addressing a man. He is always a "Mr", "Mr" Tan, "Mr" Foo, "Mr" Quek, "Mr", "Mr", "Mr"! No confusion. But when it comes to the ladies...

1) Young ladies - Naturally, we call her "Miss" something.

2) Middle Age to Old ladies - Most likely she is a "Mrs" something.

You think the world is so clear cut?!

3) Young but married - "Mrs" something.

4) Young but married but still want to use her own maiden sirname - "Mdm" something

5) Young but married but still want to use her maiden sirname but find "Mdm" too old -"Miss" something

6) Middle-Old but are single - Still "Miss" something

7) All used-to-be married - Once "Mrs" something, now "Miss" something.

8) Elderly but don't want to use "Miss" - "Mdm" something

(Insert your own vulgarities; I'm trying to stay vulgarities-free) ISN'T IT CONFUSING??!!! I can't possibly ask someone whether she is married or single or divorced when she introduces herself right?? Grrr....

Bloody... (Oops, don't think this is a vulgarity right?) Why can't the saluatations be as simple and straightforward as the guys? Why do we need to differentiate between the married ones and the singles? I don't see that happening to the guys.

Whatever... I'm going to call all the ladies, whom I have never met before, "Excuse Me" from today onwards.

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