Friday, February 25, 2011

Forked Road

I am standing in front of a forked road. Should I go left or right?

On my left, it is a prestigious scholarship. Status, one more year of being a student, better prospects, etc, are attached to it. So does the extension of one more year of bond, no income for another year, studying alone in a competitive environment, lowering my chances of meeting someone, etc.

On my right, it is a job in my junior college. I have always wanted to go back. No classroom management issues, interesting subject, intelligent and responsive audience, etc. Hey, I may even reopen my ODAC club if I have the chance. However, I will have to meet my nemesis. Two of them, in fact. And I don't know if I can speak fluently and well enough to handle my job.

Which should I choose? *Troubled*


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