It was held at Aston's in Centerpoint. It was a surprise because I didn't know where we were meeting. I was happy we are going there because western food never goes wrong with me. =P
Huli really surpassed herself! She was my bday organiser. At first, we didn't think this celebration will go well because of her history but she really, really gave me a wonderful party!
I had the cutest birthday cakes.
Sexayyyy! I want to have these figures by next birthday! =P
As seen, the baker was so meticulous.
With my favourite girls. =D
Sour grapes. If I don't have such big ones, the cupcake can't have them!
Splitting the ass. Heh!
Huli made these flowers! There were messages hidden inside each flower. So sweet! She must have spent much time and effort doing this. For me! I was so touched. =)
Love you, girls!
Birthday Celebration with Straits Gang at Concorde Hotel
Gwen managed to find this hi-tea buffet restaurant, the Spices Cafe, online. So, we went there for my bday celebration. It was so worth the money! There was Salmon sashimi which is my favourite! With that, I was a happy girl. The biatches that I have known for 5 years. Phew.. Time really flew by.
My presents! They bought me a Laniege Moisturiser and Chelsia bought me a dress from Phuket.
It's a girl thing. Taking pictures in toilets.
Birthday Celebration with NIE Clique at Bar Bar Black Sheep
My favourite peeps in NIE asked me out for lunch after our psychology class on Monday to celebrate my birthday. Catherine drove us to this place that she was raving about a few months back. It is quite inaccessible unless you drive. Bar Bar Black Sheep is located along Cherry Ave, next to Sixth Ave.
The western food stall closed on Mondays so we did not get to try it. But the Naans from the Indian stall made our trip worthwhile. They were delicious!The peeps whom I hanged out with during my long long breaks in NIE. =)
Birthday Celebration with My Family at Home and Live@TeppanEthel and her mum made me a card for my birthday! And I was amazed with Ethel's artistic flair.
Nice right?
My cousin, Ethel's mum, bought me a cake!My niece and nephews tried to blow the candles without me! Naughty kids! But they could win a bigger child (me!). I pushed them away and blew the candles. Wuahahaha!
Anyway, with the pampering adults around, they got to have a candle each and blew to their hearts' content.Look at the pool of saliva on Aaron's chin and you know that he was such fun that he forgot to swallow his saliva.
The small little cake was split among 13 people.
Mum cooked giant prawns for me! These crustaceans were longer than 2 fingers combined! One prawn was enough to fill me up.
On my actual birthday, we went to Live@Teppan at West Coast Plaza to celebrate. The food was great! And we were entertained. I shall let the pictures do the talking.
Birthday Celebration with Sec School Gang at Bar Bar Black Sheep ... Again
Seems like this is the "in" place nowadays. Wan Lin suggested going Bar Bar to celebrate my bday. Although I was just there on Monday, I did not mind going back to try the Western food. This time round, we went there on a Saturday afternoon.
The western food Cat and Wan Lin were gushing about tasted pretty average to me. But maybe it was because I ordered the wrap instead of the steak which seemed to be their best dish. Well, to my steak lover friends, maybe you can give it a try when you go there!After lunch, we went to Daily Scoop near my place for some desserts. Yums.. =)
I had a great time celebrating my birthday with my friends and family. =D Although growing old is a sad thing, they made that one time of the year a truly happy and memorable time for me. And I thanked them for helping me ease into another age.
I have the best people as friends. =)
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