Anyway, I think I am off clubbing for a bit. At first, it was fun! Friends laughing, dancing, getting tipsy, saying and doing funny things together. Then, things get a bit more complicated when we got to know more people. Suddenly, people with other motives started appearing. Things turned from innocent fun to something else.
And I am starting to dislike the way I behave nowadays. My brains did not function as well, or rather was not functioning, the last few times. I wish someone had slapped me there and then. I think I need my Enemies with me. They kept me rooted and reined me in when I went overboard. Girls, I miss clubbing with you...
This is the photo log of my happy, carefree and young days before I start working. If not for my job, I don't think that I will club that much. Bleagh...
Double O and Zouk Winebar 15/04
Our VIP for that day - Marcus.
KL Zouk 22/04
Hitting the club during our road trip.
Rebel and Butter Factory 27/04
Zouk 01/05
Taboo and Zouk 07/05
The scandalous picture in Taboo.
RY gone.
Zouk 14/05
The night of the infamous Seven Dwarves. $200+ worth of drinks. To make us suffer. Never again!
Henry opted for the normal Jaggerbomb. Smart move.
And clubbing has become such a common event that I have no more pictures to show for it. Scary... Anyway, I have been trying to make it less of a common past time for me. Time to connect to my inner geek and focus on my job.
Damn. I still feel guilty.
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