Finally, I received a letter from MOE to inform me of the primary school I'm posted to. However, I don’t think I want to mention the name of the school in my blog to safeguard myself from future problems. So if you want to know, ask me personally k? All I can say here is that that is a very popular primary school and this explains the stress I'm facing now. You know how some parents worship their children. Hope I can survive in one piece after my stint there.
I am so very proud of myself! Finally I manage to create an accessories stand! And it is so pretty though I have not finish it yet.

Nice? Hee! I lurvvvve it!
At the rate my little niece plucks my hair every time I carry her, I think I will be bald very soon. I don’t know why but she is very fascinated with my hair! She will ignore everybody and start
pulling playing my hair once she is in my arms. And she will separate the strands and yank! Ouch! Imagine: When she is older, “Come, Ethel! Sis wants to plait your hair!” *Evil laughter*
I am just joking. Presenting to you, fanatic-about-my-hair-baby, Ethel. So cute.
aiyo she is SO CUTE! Hey anyway, when do you start work? Shall we meet up with the SG (hahaha. so funny.) soon? Cos i REALLY miss you guys!
AHHH damn cute! how many months old is she?
she is coming to 6 months already, though i think the picture is took when she is about 3 months. =)
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