Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Layout

Finally my exams are over!! Yea! I celebrated by visiting the doctor. Bleagh. It was a really horrid last day of exams. I had gastric pain, headache, bloated stomach and blocked nose. When I reached school, I had to rush to the toilet to vomit. It was so bad that I even comtemplated skipping my paper.

Luckily, I saw my friends. I always believe that laughter is the best medicine. They made me laugh and that helped. Phew.. Managed to sit through the paper.

I have been the most hardworking this semester. Although I was sick towards the end of the sem, I still managed to attend all my lessons. This is the first semester in my entire school life (from primary to Uni) when I didn't take even 1 day of MC! IT IS A MIRACLE! Hee. But sadly, my results are not reflective of this dedication. I have been quite demoralised lately. Realised that there is a difference in the tutors' expectations in the degree programme. I guess I should be happy if I have near 4 GPA for this semester.

Anyway, I won't change anything thinking about my results now. I shall concentrate on spending my holiday happily! I had planned to do many things during my holidays. Can't wait to carry them out. =)

And I love my new blog design!


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