Monday, August 31, 2009

Late Night Thinkings....

I've just watched "I Am Legend" on HBO. It is the first time I caught it and I like it a lot. And this show really gets me thinking. What if this really happens one day?

In the show, 99% of the human population in the world turned into mutant humans because of a cancer cure. What if, one day, we manage to find a cure to cancer and it turns out like this?

I feel like we are walking down that path. Look at SARS. Look at H1N1. They are both mutated form of flu virus. Everytime we controlled one, stronger ones pop up.

In Buddhist teaching, it always talk about the 2 opposite sides. Light and dark. Day and night. Good and evil. Always about the balance. So if we have a cure, will new stronger viruses pop up to balance the whole system?

In Evolution, living things evolve to meet the meet the challenges in their ecosystem. So will the viruses evolve to a form when we can't find a cure anymore?

It is a scary thought. So far, the mutated flu virus only made us feverish, sore and with flu-like symptoms. What if a new mutated virus attacks the brain and brings out the animal instinct side of us? What if it makes us aggressive? What if it makes us irrational? What if it makes us stop thinking?

I just hope that when that day comes, neither me nor my loved ones will be around.

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