Sunday, January 02, 2011

Looking Back

I first heard the following question in an advertisement. It has stuck on me since and I found myself constantly asking myself the same question.

"When is the last time you have done something for the first time?"

I am happy that I have many "first times" in 2010. =)

My "Firsts" in 2010:

Jan - Travelled with my Odacians to Genting

Mar - Bought a semi-pro camera

May - Toured Taiwan
Went travelling with just a friend
Planned my trip without professional help
Snorkelled and White Water Rafting
Attended an autograph session
Saw Jay Chou up close
And all the other "firsts" comes with an overseas trip

July - Met up with Anita and Deanies after many years
Stopped a cab and openly confronted a cab snatcher

Aug - Received a Grade 3 in Piano
A short and terrifying encounter with an Earwig
Saw the Olympic fire up close
Stayed in Marina Bay Sands Hotel
Met up with my NPCC friends after 5 years

Oct - Completed a 20-pages individual report

Nov - Went without sleep for 4 separate nights
Completed around 21 assignments in 15 weeks

Dec - Painted my house for the first time in ten over years

I hope that there are plenty more "first times" for me in 2011!


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