Friday, December 14, 2007


I am starting to get more and more discontented with my life. It is so BORING! So DRY! So SYSTEMATIC! So ORDINARY! Nothing for me to look forward to, nothing for me to keep as memories, nothing to get me excited... I am becoming a nothing..

What can I do?


Met up with some close friends today. I really enjoyed spending time with them. They never fail to make me laugh and make me feel that hey! If one day I were to pass away, at least I will break some hearts out there. (Did I mention that I have morbid thoughts nowadays? Not that I will kill myself but I will think about me dying.)

*Sigh* I don't wanna blog anymore. Shall end here. I tend to get so melancholy every time I start blogging. Wanna talk about how much I appreciate my friends but somehow my thoughts just strayed. Forget it.

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