Thursday, December 27, 2007

Who do you think the FUCK you are??

You are not my boss. You are not my God. You are not my parents. You are not my elder. You are not my teacher. You are not a Nobel Prize winner. You are not a superstar.

You are my friend. You are my equal. You are my confident. (Should I use past tense now?)

Now, you are a bitch. (Not bastard, coz judging by the way you behaved, you are a bitch.) You are ignorant. You are biased. You are petty. You... I don't think you even qualify as a friend now.

You keep wanting us to live up to your expectations. But you have already fall short of ours a long time ago. You keep wanting us to give and give and you thought you have already given a lot, but actually, the real giving comes when we actually accept each others' shortcomings and move on. Do you still think you are the giver?

I don't think you will understand this. You are too full of yourself to actually put yourself in others' shoes.

The whole world is not against you. It is YOU who is against the whole world.

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